Confirm You Can Meet Your Financial Needs
Use this process to find out if you can meet your monthly essential needs. If you can’t meet your needs, you’ll find out how much you’re off by. [...]
Resources to Help Make Ends Meet
When you’ve done what you can to cut expenses, and earn more income through side gigs, changing jobs, or getting raises, and you still can’t make ends meet, consider the resources listed below [...]
Track Your Monthly Expenses
We highly recommend tracking your expenses by account instead of spending category. Tracking by account is faster (simply enter an average number for your spending for each account) and more accurate because you're [...]
Track Your Monthly Net Income
MoneySwell's Budget Planner is an easy budgeting tool. From the tool, go to the Plan tab, scroll to “Planned Net Income'', and enter a row for each of your sources of income. Remember [...]
Track Your Cashflow with Budget Planner
The Budget Planner tool helps you create a plan for all three types of cashflow: net income, saving and spending. You only need to update your numbers once a month and can review [...]