Follow the Plan.

Enjoy Your Life.

Follow a proven path to wealth and financial wellness so you can live the life you love.

* No credit card required, and we never sell your data.

It shows me exactly what to do next and gives me control based on the preferences I set. It’s my new money routine that’s actually kind of fun.”

– Brandon, Colorado

I did the messy spreadsheet thing for years. But with MoneySwell, I’m focused on the meaningful parts of personal finance and it’s simpler than I thought.”

– Denise, Florida

I’m more on top of my finances than ever but I’m spending less time focused on it. I guess that’s what happens when you follow a plan.”

– Gill, Illinois

Why MoneySwell Works

Build Healthy Money Habits

Humans are creatures of habit. MoneySwell helps you develop an impactful routine, striking a balance between involvement and automation.

Focus on Progress, Not Perfection

For most people, tracking every transaction isn’t necessary. With MoneySwell, you set recurring tasks with weekly or monthly checkpoints that are sustainable and effective.

Learn What Matters Most

Financial education matters, but shouldn’t be burdensome. MoneySwell integrates educational content and action steps directly into your customized journey.

The MoneySwell Toolbox

  • Assets & Liabilities

    One-click sync across all your accounts

  • Budget Planner

    Once a month updates to keep you on track

  • Financial Priorities

    Your action plan for holistic financial progress

  • Retirement Planner

    Your dashboard for long-term plans

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A Product Built on Values

Keep It Simple

You should be able to manage your finances in about 20 minutes a month.

Keep Personal Finance Personal

We don’t sell your personal data. To anyone. Ever. Period.

Focus on the Big Picture

An estimated long-term plan is better than a perfect short-term plan.

Ads Are Clutter

Zero in-app ads. Your financial dashboard should be clutter-free.


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Try for Free

When you sign up, we’ll guide you through each step to get you up and running in no time.

1. Take Your 10 Question Survey

The one minute survey helps us customize which tasks show up in your action plan.

2. Start Your Action Plan

A mix of education and action steps. You'll complete your first step in minutes.

3. Build Your Dashboards

You'll add your accounts, set up Cashflow Goals, and start your Retirement Planner.

4. Try Free For 34 Days

Use MoneySwell for a month and a bit more. You'll know if MoneySwell works for you.

* 34 day free trial. No commitment, no credit card required. And we never sell your personal data. Period.